Alphabet Branch - Hall of Fame Ranking (Group)

Established March 10, 2022

Times are in EDT, 24-hour format.

Individual solvers can be found here.

Ranking # Name Nationality Favorite Levels Date+Time Completed Message

MishuAnubis z Mar 12 2022 11:29
shaharc z
LevitatorLevi t, h, a, n, k, s May 14 2022 22:42 These were fun
singppap f, i, s, h chomik game is still good
snappy (pwoofy) k, l, z shoutout to my fellow brick finders you guys are cool (also thanks for the extra levels)
Eggdog q, v, z Very tricky extra levels, thank you for the challenge!
Matteoka m, a, r, i, o Still amazing levels
Krizis a, i, m, o, r, z 23-15-23. (fr though this as well as the mainstream levels were incredible, thank you kad)
void c, a, t, s i like cats
spi h, c, o, m, i, k, y June 5, 2022 12:11 katanagatari is a banger (Nanami is the best character)
NoahVN u, s, o, p cool little side path! enjoyed it from start to end. as of writing this, we only have negatives left! Watch morbius btw #MorbiusSweep
jakub e, p, i, c epic
BlazingSnow x, z June 6, 2022 17:25 g aming
94871487 t, h, e, z amazing level! got alot of fun while solving them, also my face when z took us longer than Z^6 in the mainstream
markus y, z, p, w i have a hate-love relationship with z. Good branch tho
i forgor
TimothyDoesStuff c, i, q, w Another day, another branch completed. There were dynamic, efficient and fun puzzles. I liked the way of finding the levels and giving them a hard shot. I just knew how I love what was coming. Moving and next on, though some puzzles were questionable, but I really liked the satisfying touch under beating them. Very well done! X-cellent kad, you did a great job. Anyways thanks for these extra puzzles, and I hope to see more on ZED. 🤟❤️
tintingiabao c, h, o, m, i, k, s very funny alphabet branch
sable x, z June 9, 2022 07:51 The ideas just keep coming. Well done Kad and thanks for a great time
Learnedscrublord666 j, t, o, h June 18, 2022 13:55 Monestary in disguise
brzrd q, u, i, c, k, s, t, e, p zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Swimpy/Blue k, r, v, w awesome
Ooflord27 June 12, 2022 21:09 I was not there for most of the levels therefore i give all credit to my team members I was mostly there helping on small parts
dug_s n, o yo so my friend has this one cat her name is barbara please dm me if you wanna say hi to barbara
llandy u, y, r, c, z i cant even spell mindblown cause it has two Ns 😭
NyanKenny a, m, o, n, g, u, s (hi eggdog) Loved every single bit of this riddle! All of them were creative in a way. Thanks a lot to kad for making this riddle, and shoutout to my teammates and people who have helped me along the way. (hi eggdog)
Hary i, n, t, e, r DALE INTER GURIZADA
+1 anonymous
LeeGotBored s, u, p, e, r, i, d, o, l June 23, 2022 11:23 de xiao rong (alphabet levels were cool)
Zender q, v, x, z (hi nyankenny) my first ever online riddle, tysm for the fun (also hikari ❤️) (hi nyankenny)
zomegny o, c, h, a "The day before I'm yo-" wait, what?
AkiraHaruko m, o, n, d, a, y Thank you kad for creating this branch. Thanks for all of my teammates. The experience was pretty great.
ZykeTom c, g, h, r, v, w, z This is a pretty cool branch; many more exciting puzzles are used here too!
bub z,r July 19, 2022 22:59 good work kad your puzzle
GrumpyC h, i, p, s, x, y, z July 23, 2022 00:18 there are 5!!!
. . b, q, z |
asri (T) s, w, a, g, z good distraction
otub z, e, d July 30, 2022 19:03 i finally know the alphabet
Icycl o, t, u, b hey you. you reading this. stop procrastinating. go back to being productive.
jalalal j, j, j, j, j August 7, 2022 18:59 j
raychiu y, e, a, t alhaebes brancs communityed!
Supers r, a, y, c, h, i, u, x, z this was again a lot of fun!!! most puzzle were again really unique!!
MinusOnium e, y August 10, 2022 21:40 For LDC, for TMoL.
detaggable r, a, t, i, o + L + Skill issue + Touch grass
myndrr k, s, i, w, a, t, e, r Great Great Steve, WHY arent your legs MAGNETIC!!! Great Great Steve I hope you DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE in that bottomless pit
free a August 14, 2022 15:38 why do flammable and inflammable mean the same thing
stalledstorm All Gaming ft. Free
johhn every level except h September 20, 2022 18:20 The person below me is lying.
Gigachad z, e, d, s, q, j, l The person above me is telling the truth.
Zephran g, o, l, f, i, n January 26, 2023 23:00 Branching off the pain was fun. Great set of levels :D VhinPd5RRJw 🏌️️.
Slashed c, f, h, i, l, n, o, q, s, v, z The Longest Discord Call is 16,328 hours (Really loved alphabet branch)
smurfuhc c, h, u, j May 28, 2023 14:58 ... rozsypało się po kątach,strasznie się potłukło️.
gogy all gl to everyone out there who are trying this branch!
killer d, e, a, t, h June 25, 2023 21:26 everything was going smoothly until we started to lose our minds at u and z. other than those 2 levels this branch of zed was pretty fun.
Strobby g, r, i, p, s have you guys ever heard of fantastic frontier
werd m, c, r, i, d, e yeah i did like one or two 💀
Drifter1240 All but z July 7, 2023 22:40 even after all this, i still can't pronounce pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
oledres a, z why was the last level so cruel 😦 anyways gg finished another branch 🙂
Leo (Team Grimoire Forever!!) k, m, p, q, s, t, z July 15, 2023 9:35 I have been mind blown throughout solving the levels, both because they are challenging, and because most of them are so well designed. Well I hope I've got enough brain cells left for the epilogue and other levels that I haven't solved yet. Thanks to my teammate fragalis, we both worked so hard on this and the honestly, I don't think I could've done this without fragalis' help. Also, thanks Kad, what a marvelous masterpiece!

See y'all in other HoF pages later! (Hopefully)
fragalis z, s, p, r, d, x, y What a journey.
James V z September 3, 2023 12:15
Tailleferre l, o, p, z Also for this wonderful and interesting journey, thank you very much.
Dust c, i, r, s, t, u, x, z, d November 26, 2023 10:06 i carried aqeef, bro did nothing 💀. shoutouts to dissolved, zent and amesome for the help. anyways, guy below me is lying
Kei k, e, i i carried dust, bro did nothing 🤣. Also, the guy above me is a liar.
Spooks! j, a, m, e, s April 9th, 2024 16:11 I will never find out why luigi was sad.
John! o, k, a, y okay
fistmancddd w, c + j, a, m, e, s + w, z I am have the alphabets master rank, GG. Hail James Wan. DO NOT TRUST THE PERSON BELOW ME HE IS FR*NCH.
Gavvymac2020 f, r, a, n, c, e vive le france!
ChaosPlank a, m, q, s, t, w, z June 17, 2024 14:46 Thanks to Feksa and Krumble_0218 for being here to help finish this level! I also had a lot of outside help, from people like Leo and Winny. Couldn't have done it without them, also great optional branch, took us about a month to do. I look forward to the rest of the levels in the puzzle!
Feksa i, d, r, q I mean I did somewhat help
Krumble_0218 j, o, p, s, v, w, z fun set of levels! i found the final level's gimmick to be pretty interesting and unique. would recommend bashing your head against sierra 10/10
Aylon3dg e, m, r, s, t, v, w, y, z September 18, 2024 14:55 Dear Kad, it was an honor to solve your riddle. I enjoyed every moment (except solving level X) and I can't wait to solve the rest of the levels!
Coldd91 w, p, r, t, u, o, h, b, m, n Now we need Cyrillic alphabet (good game)
Gavriel e,t,a,h Thanks HaShem it was fun
Sunraku e, p, i, c October 20, 2024 18:58 john pork
dr twiggy s, a, u, c, e this branch tortured me in ways i didn’t think were possible but also brought me lots of joy, glad to have finish it first. onwards to the end!
Exicrisis all but k, s, t, and y November 16, 2024 9:10 Alfa Lima Papa Hotel Alfa Bravo Echo Tango
beefumo/pericles w, y, z Wow, Alphabet Bran2h of Zed was cool! I knew we'll meet again in this part of the Hall of Fam3! Again, the branch is full of creativity and amazing good puzzles, W was actually a W, (ba Dum tss) puzzles are good as always, a bit vague but it gets the job done.
royal c, h, o, w February 3, 2025 7:51 hajimari no kisetsu ha owari wo tsugeta.