in the video Bastet is repeatedly saying "SHA", which hints towards the hash function SHA256
reverse search the hash functions using SHA256 to get these strings:
8e6fa0d22004a7c84d1c402dbaee7364506d18bd91fc0bb9bdab66e07f805991 - indx
4a70fe9aa6436e02c2dea340fbd1e352e4ef2d8ce6ca52ad25d4b95471fc8bf2 - zip
the zip contains extensionless files that can be added with .jpg
this will reveal several spotify scan codes
...requiring that you will need to use the spotify app for this step
an alternate route was provided, with containing qr codes that led to the same exact spotify links. password is "spotify"
scanning the spotify codes will lead you to these titles in the format of [ordinal number] [thing]
using "indx" as a hint, we take the index of the item based on the number of the first word:
Ninth Configuration
Second Stage
Second Chance
Fourth World
Third Eye
First Time
The 5th Exotic
Sixth Dimension